The old houses that line highway 105 brought me back to my childhood in the Laurentian Mountains and I decided to make composites of these original structures including the original community center, church and post office from the 1800’s located in the Aylwin Township before it was renamed in 1932, Kazabazua. 

Route 105 runs adjacent to the Gatineau River which was used to move logs from Maniwaki to Hull. Along this river are the townships of Low, Kazabazua, Gracefield and Maniwaki, populated with large extended families with historical connection to the land. This area is part of the Algonquin First Nation territory and has long been inhabited by that people. The history of Maniwaki is closely linked to that of the adjacent Kitigan Zibi Reserve, because the Town of Maniwaki was developed on land that was originally part of this reserve. 

It is with the people of these towns that I formed relationships and photographed as they responded with grace, authenticity and charm. Choosing to focus on the nuances of each individual’s facial expression and physical stature, the nondescript background provided each subject the same respect of place and time, without any distraction of location to my viewer. 

This is an ongoing body of work. There is a wealth of substance and history still to be uncovered. I am no longer a cottager.